Books, Beatles & Beatniks
Literature, Music & Meaningful Conversation
When I was a young lad, my dad took me to a ballpark in the cultural section of Pittsburgh, PA. It was planted within walking distance of the world famous Carnegie Museum, Phipps Conservatory, The Cathedral of Learning, Pitt University campus, and the spectacular Heinz Chapel.
He had a favorite (free) parking spot that was a bit of a walk from the park. That walk was my introduction into some of the most impactful observations I’ve ever had...
- Our Story -
One of the koolest things I remember was walking past a historic storefront building. It was the "in" spot for locals. The first time we walked past, I couldn’t help but stop and gaze into that mesmerizing room of odd looking students, doctors, workers, lawyers, politicians, and business people. I remember seeing berets and goatees on the guys and knee high boots, mini skirts, and puffed up hair on the gals.
I asked my dad, “What kind of place is that?” He said the words that are still
tattooed on my brain:
“That's a koffee house”
...Whoa, way too Kool...
Then I asked, “Who are the funny looking guys? - beatniks?”
A person who questions the establishment, dresses un-contemporary, and indulges in exotic philosophies and self expression.
A youth who rejects much of the establishment, dresses un-contemporary, advocates nonviolence and often wears long hair.
Ok, I admit it, I cannot tell a lie - I was a hippy- In fact I still am - There, I admit it.
So, what?
Fast forward...
I’m in high school, I’m in love with music and like many young adults,
wanting to be a musician.
Life is taking on new meaning and the world is evolving.
(Of course, nothing really changes) except the date, if you get my meaning.
But that's another conversation we can have at the koffee house.
Well, we had this hangout way up on a hilltop over looking the valley. We all got together and listened to the house band & just hung out together - life was good and the music was killer - they had a Hammond B3! That was another special time in my life; I loved that place and being there.
Enters the Blonde Bomb - Wenda
On our first get-together, I fully exercised my constitutional right - freedom of speech. She still tells me I did all the talking - actually,
she said I spoke, she just listened.
I must have said something right because about twenty years after my first experience with my dad walking through that inspiring area of Oakland, Pittsburgh, Wenda had a similar experience with me on our first date-
It was enchanting.
We toured the museum, strolled the campus grounds, went up to the observation level of the Cathedral of Learning (where I stole our first kiss), and of course went to the local koffee house that replaced the original, about 1 block from where it stood. That koffee house was our favorite stop because as often
as we were in the neighborhood, we always stopped in.
We shared ideas, talked about stuff - who knows what - and, of course, fell in love. We were both extremely comfortable at any koffee shop we found. I’m not sure why, perhaps the relaxed atmosphere or the comfort zone we both felt.
There was one subject that always came up when we were in one:
“One day we should open a Koffee House.”
Fast forward again...
It’s another chapter in our story and we are so very very pleased that everyone enjoys it almost as much as we do.
It’s launched and on a mission, but long from being completed. I don’t know that it ever will be finished as it is a constant work in progress. But I do know that as long as its here, memories will be made, music will be played, conversation will thrive, and a good flavor will not only reach your auditory nerve and palette, but will also touch your spirit.
We're on assignment, we're blessed, and we're hoping we can be a blessing to you.
- Frank and Wenda Trunzo